The Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Group

The Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Closed Facebook Group and Page

Want to talk to other people with PHT and get more information about this frustrating injury?  Find us here:


The Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Help and Support Group


The Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Help and Support Page



Why Your Hamstring Tendinopathy Isn’t Getting Better Podcast

Maryke Louw, Sports Physiotherapist Discusses PHT With Brodie Sharpe of The Run Smarter Podcast Series


Why Your Hamstring Tendinopathy Isn’t Getting Better Podcast By Maryke Louw, sports physiotherapist and Brodie Sharpe – Host.
Podcast 50 minutes long.
Some of the areas covered are:
Compression and tendinopathy
Should you stretch
What exercises to start with and how to progress
Time frame for healing
Myths and beliefs

One Athletes Story Of Injury, Surgery and Recovery

Hannah Erl – Marathon Runner Tells Her Emotional Story of PHT and Surgery by Dr. Lasse Lempainen

Hannah Erl – marathon runner talks about the timeline of her PHT and insertional hamstring tears, the treatments she had prior to surgery, how she decided surgery was the answer, the procedure and the difficult emotional journey along the way that many of us have had.

Hannah’s surgery was performed by Dr. Lasse Lempainen at the Mehilainen Neo Sports Hospital, Turku, Finland. Dr. Lempainen is widely considered the best in his field.


Treating Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Video by

Treating Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy – Not Just For Runners

Maryke from Sports Injury Physio talks about why we develop PHT.   Maryke explains the causes and treatments, the effects of some inflammatory diseases, the menopause, relative rest and what exercises to do and why.